Bi-logistic model applied to the first 1015 Covid-19 cases in indigenous people of State of Amapá and north of Pará


  • Edcarlos Vasconcelos da Silva
  • Maria Adriana Leite
  • Janielle da Silva Melo


Coronavirus pandemic, Indigenous Health, Statistic, Bi-Logistic Model, COVID-19 case in Indigenous


In this article, we present the Bi-logistic growth model whose objective was to model the temporal trend of cases of COVID-19 in indigenous people in the State of Amapá and north of Pará. The mathematical model applied when observed two inflection points in the evolution of the disease over time. It has six parameters, where K1 and K2 are the limiting values of the phenomenon, α1 and α2 are the growth rates in each block, and β1 and β2 are the inflection points at the time the disease decelerates. The model obtained statistical significance (p <0.01) and indicated May 12 and July 22, 2020, as dates when the disease decelerated in the indigenous population surveyed. The Bi-logistic model has good adherence to model cases of COVID-19 that present two distinct periods of growth and that immediate interventions are necessary to contain COVID-19 in indigenous land

Author Biographies

Edcarlos Vasconcelos da Silva

Doutorando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Pública da Fundação Osvaldo Cruz e professor assis-tente do Curso de Licenciatura em Matemática da Universidade Federal do Amapá, Departamento de Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas, Campus Marco Zero do Equador.

Maria Adriana Leite

Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação em Ciências e Matemática do Instituto de Educação Matemática e Científica da Universidade Federal do Pará e professora assistente do Curso de Licenciatura em Intercultural Indígena da Universidade Federal do Amapá, Campus Binacional de Oiapoque.

Janielle da Silva Melo

Doutora em Biotecnologia e Biodiversidade pela Universidade Federal de Grande Dourados e professora ad-junta do Curso de Licenciatura Intercultural Indígena da Universidade Federal do Amapá, Campus Binacional de Oiapoque.



How to Cite

Silva, E. V. da, Leite, M. A., & Melo, J. da S. (2025). Bi-logistic model applied to the first 1015 Covid-19 cases in indigenous people of State of Amapá and north of Pará. Science and Knowledge in Focus , 3(2), 77–88. Retrieved from



Seções: Matemática, Contexto Escolar e Ensino; Povos Indígenas, Ciências e Saberes; Temática em Foco