History of the school in the village Kumarumã (1964-1985)

registration for use in the teaching, library and research


  • Macksoara Nunes Narciso
  • Silas Macial dos Santos
  • Cecília Maria Chaves Brito Bastos


School Education, Military Regime, Galibi-Marworno People, Indigenous School


This paper describes the results of research developed on the history of the school in the Kumarumã village, the region of Uaça, municipality of Oiapoque of the State of Amapá, involving some facts that occurred in the years of the civil-military regime (1964-1985). The aim was to learn about the history of the indigenous school and schooling during this regime when people liked the National Indian Foundation, the Federal Territory of Amapá, and the Indigenous Missionary Council. We obtained the data based on bibliographic research on the topic, in addition to analysis of docu-ments, field notes, interviews, and informal conversations with people from the indigenous commu-nity, and the others who lived with the school and remember facts from the period of the military regime. The result records a little of the history of the indigenous school for the purpose of use in the teaching, library and research, as well as to learn about the insertion of the school in the Uaça region and its relationship with the history of the Galibi-Marworno people.

Author Biographies

Macksoara Nunes Narciso

Graduado em Licenciatura Intercultural Indígena pela Universidade Federal do Amapá e professor de história do Governo do Estado do Amapá, Secretaria de Estado da Educação, Escola Indígena Estadual Camilo Narciso.

Silas Macial dos Santos

Especialista em História e Cultura Afro-brasileira pela Faculdade Atual e professor de geografia do Governo do Estado do Amapá, Secretaria de Estado da Educação, Escola Indígena Estadual Camilo Narciso.

Cecília Maria Chaves Brito Bastos

Doutora em Educação pela Universidade Federal Fluminense, professora adjunta do Curso de Graduação em História e professora permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de História em Rede Nacional da Universidade Federal do Amapá, Departamento de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas.



How to Cite

Narciso, M. N., Santos, S. M. dos, & Bastos, C. M. C. B. (2025). History of the school in the village Kumarumã (1964-1985): registration for use in the teaching, library and research. Science and Knowledge in Focus , 3(1), 25–40. Retrieved from https://periodicos.unifap.br/scienceinfocus/article/view/618



Seções: Matemática, Contexto Escolar e Ensino; Povos Indígenas, Ciências e Saberes; Temática em Foco