Use of cell phone in the exact sciences teaching

a case study


  • Jairo Savio Ramos de Medeiros
  • Henrique Duarte da Fonseca Filho
  • Robert Saraiva Matos


Exact Sciences Teaching, Cell Phone, High School


This paper presents a case study carried in two public schools, aiming to study the acceptability of students and teachers on the use of mobile devices in the exact sciences teaching. The schools were selected, randomly, in the city of Macapá, State of Amapá, and two structured questionnaires were applied to collect data, with three teachers and two hundred and thirty students from high school. The results showed that the students’ responses converge on the use of the apparatus for educational purposes, even with some divergence. Moreover, teachers presented divergent views on the use of these tools. When comparing the data, we verified that the students think similarly about the use of cell phones for teaching, whose Student t tests presented values p> 0.05 or p> 0.01. Thus, regardless of the school, students positively evaluate the use of mobile devices for educational purposes, while teachers, we identified two visions, teachers who believe the viability of using the cell phone in the high school and teachers who think otherwise.

Author Biographies

Jairo Savio Ramos de Medeiros

Licenciado em Física pela Universidade Federal do Amapá

Henrique Duarte da Fonseca Filho

Doutor em física pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, professor adjunto da Universidade Federal do Amazonas,
Departamento de Física, pesquisador dos Grupos de Nanotecnologia em Produtos Naturais e Pesquisa em Materiais

Robert Saraiva Matos

Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas pela Universidade Federal do Amapá, professor assistente da Universidade Federal do Amapá, Departamento de Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas, Curso de Especialização em Ensino de Física, líder do Grupo de Pesquisa Materiais Amazônicos,



How to Cite

Medeiros, J. S. R. de, Fonseca Filho, H. D. da, & Matos, R. S. (2025). Use of cell phone in the exact sciences teaching: a case study. Science and Knowledge in Focus , 1(2), 37–47. Retrieved from



Seções: Matemática, Contexto Escolar e Ensino; Povos Indígenas, Ciências e Saberes; Temática em Foco