COVID-19 pandemic and phyfical of activity practice by students of the 9th year of middle school


  • Paulo Renzo Guimarães Júnior
  • Mesaque Silva Correia


COVID-19 Pandemic, Quarantine, Physical Activities, Adolescent Health


The article analyzes the practice of physical activity by middle school students, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, in Teresina. We collected the data with a questionnaire applica-tion for four students of ninth-year of middle school (n = 4) from a population of forty-one (N = 41) students. We produced the text based on the statistical method and tables of the frequency distribution of the variables studied, and it organized in the JASP 0.13 program. The study included 3(75%) girls and 1(25%) boy, aged between 14(25%) and 15(75%) years. All of them claimed to participate actively in Physical Education classes, of which 4(100%) of them did other activities outside of school, with a weekly frequency of 1(25%) time and 2-3(75%) times. During the COVID-19 pandemic, 3(75%) re-mained active, while 1(25%) did not perform any physical activity and the weekly frequency was 1(25%) not once a week, 2(50%) 1 time a week, and 1(25%) 2-3 times a week, configuring a reduction in physical activity during quarantine. Physical practice decreased during quarantine in adolescents. Ho-wever, it was not possible to make inferences that could characterize a positive relationship between quarantine and reduction in physical activity.

Author Biographies

Paulo Renzo Guimarães Júnior

Estudante do Curso de Licenciatura pela Universidade Federal do Piauí.

Mesaque Silva Correia

Doutor em Educação Física pela Universidade São Judas Tadeu, Professor Adjunto do Departamento de Méto-dos e Técnicas de Ensino da Universidade Federal do Piauí e professor permanente do Programa de Pós-Gra-duação em Educação.



How to Cite

Guimarães Júnior, P. R., & Correia, M. S. (2025). COVID-19 pandemic and phyfical of activity practice by students of the 9th year of middle school. Science and Knowledge in Focus , 3(2), 49–60. Retrieved from



Seções: Matemática, Contexto Escolar e Ensino; Povos Indígenas, Ciências e Saberes; Temática em Foco