Ancestral knowledge in Maruanum
connections with Ethnomathematics
Maruanum, Ethnomathematics, Ancestry, CultureAbstract
This article discusses the beings, knowledge and doings of the Quilombola Community of Santa Luzia do Maruanum, their cultural histories in the state of Amapá, their plots, and the workforce, especially of the women of the community. The objective is to describe the work activity of producing clay pottery by women of the Quilombola Community of Santa Luzia do Maruanum, with its cultural, and spiritual aspects originating from their ancestry. The research methodology used was based on participant observation and conversation circles for data collection, with an ethnomathematical bias on the knowledge and practices of the members of the Quilombola community. With their ancestral wealth and wisdom, the potters of the Maruanum are able to extract from the earth the clay that produces the pottery that is sold for their livelihood. This knowledge can be used in the classroom, particularly in schools that receive students from this community, to aid in teaching and learning.
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