Crossings of knowledge and doings: approach to an investigative activity in ethnomathematics in the study of the affine function
Abordagem de uma atividade investigativa em etnomatemática no estudo da função afim
Etnomatemática, Função afim, Rikbaktsa, Saberes e fazeresAbstract
This writing is an experience report whose objective is to share an activity developed in mathematics classes with students of the first year of the technical course in nutrition and dietetics at the Territorial Center for Professional Education of the North Coast and Agreste Baiano (CETEP/LNAB), in Alagoinhas-Bahia. The methodological approach included an investigative activity in Ethnomathematics, proposed by researchers from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), focused on the study of the affine function through the manufacture of flutes used by the Rikbaktsa. This approach not only facilitated the understanding and applicability of knowledge about the affine function, but also promoted reflection on ethnic-racial relations, integrating reading and interpretation of texts as pedagogical tools. The relevance of this activity lies in its ability to stimulate and disseminate a significant educational experience, which encompasses multiple dimensions of research and emphasizes the importance of cultural knowledge and practices in mathematics education. The intersection between mathematics and culture, through ethnomathematics, enriches the learning process, by considering the cultural identities of individuals and their contributions to scientific knowledge. This work highlights the need to value these interactions in the educational sphere, promoting a more inclusive and contextualized education that recognizes and respects cultural diversity. By doing so, the initiative not only broadens students' mathematical understanding but also strengthens their critical and social awareness.
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