History of Mathematics in Basic Education

a quadratic equation teaching experience


  • Clailton Corrêa Carvalho


Mathematics Education, History of Mathematics, Quadratic Equation, Teaching Experience, High School


The work presents a quadratic equation teaching experience developed at a school in Santana, State of Amapá. We collected the data based on bibliographic and qualitative research in the 2nd Semester of 2018. We also offer a workshop on three methods for solving the second-degree equation for thirty-two high school students. To write a paper that reports a school experience, we use the descriptive method. The method for Completing the Square, Geometric Construction, and Gene-ral Formula motivated students to want to know more about the history of algebra and to spread the idea the general formula was not invented by feathers a mathematician. The students liked the method of geometric construction of Agnesi’s book (1748), and that in this paper, we cite it based on Trindade et al. (2017). The result suggests that to create a quadratic equation didactic sequence, the teachers should research books and articles focusing on math history. Moreover, they should study the textbo-oks to elaborate their texts, aiming not to reproduce the summarized and decontextualized content in the classroom.

Author Biography

Clailton Corrêa Carvalho

Especialista em Ensino de Matemática para o Ensino Médio pelo Departamento de Educação a Distância da Universidade Federal do Amapá. Professor de matemática da Fundação Bradesco, Escola de Educação Básica e Profissional Governador Janary Gentil Nunes, no município de Santana/AP.



How to Cite

Carvalho, C. C. (2025). History of Mathematics in Basic Education: a quadratic equation teaching experience. Science and Knowledge in Focus , 2(2), 05–27. Retrieved from https://periodicos.unifap.br/scienceinfocus/article/view/613



Seções: Matemática, Contexto Escolar e Ensino; Povos Indígenas, Ciências e Saberes; Temática em Foco