Racionalidade ambiental e etnomatemática
Uma revisão sistemática da literatura
Racionalidade Ambiental, Etnomedicina, Etnobotânica, EtnomatemáticaAbstract
This study aims to identify and describe knowledge and practices associated with ethnomedicinal knowledge as well as views about the environment, addressed in scientific production over the last six years. In conducting this study, the Systematic Literature Review (RSL) methodology was used and consisted of carrying out a search with the support of Perish using the Google Scholar search engine, and the Atlas.ti software, used to assist in data analysis. The results indicate that there is various knowledge and practices associated with ethnomedicine, practiced by different people, in addition to this, it also highlights the relationship established by these people with the environment in which they are living and understand that the well-being of communities is directly linked to the action of individuals on the environment. However, since few studies were returned on the topic, it is inferred that there is a research gap in this area, requiring additional theoretical developments.
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