What does scientific research say?
Açaí blender. Entrepreneurship. Ethnomathematics.Abstract
This article addresses the integration of Ethnomathematics in the entrepreneurial activity of the açaí batter as a strategy to make the teaching of Mathematics more relevant and meaningful for students. The research arose from the need to provide practical support to deal with students' mathematical difficulties in a practical and contextualized way. In order to contribute to the reflection on a pedagogical practice that is more contextualized with the student's reality, this article sought to carry out a bibliographical research that highlights the importance of Ethnomathematics in the student's daily life and supports the development of an interdisciplinary proposal for pedagogical practice, promoting a deeper and more applied understanding in the teaching of mathematics. The focus of this research is on incorporating the activities of açaí beaters as an element of reflection, using bibliographical research related to the practices of this group. The research methodology involves a qualitative exploratory approach, using bibliographical research using the keywords: açaí batter, Ethnomathematics and entrepreneurship. The results highlight the importance of Ethnomathematics in the educational context, enabling students to understand mathematical concepts with several other concepts from disciplines that are integrated with a situation in their local culture. This study establishes a starting point that encourages educators to adopt a teaching practice that is more meaningful to the student, making them more participative and protagonists in the construction of their knowledge; as well as encouraging more researchers to search for scientific work capable of improving the analyzes carried out within this study context.
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