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Author Guidelines

Contributions should follow guidelines suggested by the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms - ABNT. The steps for submitting an article are on the Website of the Journal: Files for submission must be in Microsoft Word, and the conditions for submission are as follows:

1. The contribution is original and unpublished by another journal;

2. The number of pages, from 10 to 25 pages, including (Introduction, Method and Material, Discussion of the result, Conclusion, and Reference) for research papers, report of experience and extension projects;

3. Times New Roman font (12-point, black), single spacing, with figures enumerated and with the title of each Figure[1] written in English and another language such as (Portuguese or Spanish);

4. On the first page of the paper should include: a) The concise title of the text written in English and another language, with authors’ names; b) In a footnote, include (academic degree, affiliation, electronic address and the ORCID of the authors);

5. The abstract in two languages, mandatory in English and another language, with 150 to 250 words, including (aims, methods, and results), and three to five keywords;

6. Authors should remove the authoring ID from the property option in Microsoft Word;

7. Up to five authors must write the paper for three sections of the Journal.

8. The third section of the Journal publishes interviews, expanded abstracts, translation of documents and articles of invited authors. Texts should be of the research of undergraduate or post-graduation courses or work presented in scientific events, focusing on the scope of the Journal.

9. The interviews should have two abstracts written in English and Portuguese or Spanish, as well as the title. Moreover, transcription of the oral data of the dialogue between interviewer and interviewee, with the identification of their names and photographs;

10. The expanded abstracts must have 300 to 500 words, written in English, Portuguese or Spanish, including the titles, in addition to the keywords.

[1] For example (tables, charts, photographs, and other illustrations).


Copyright Notice

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

1 - Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License by that allows others to share the work with a recognition of the work’s authorship and initial publication in this journal.

2 - Authors can enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal’s published version of the work, e.g., post it to an institutional repository, with a recognition of its initial publication in this journal.

3 - After the publication, the online work is free to be reproduced for non-commercial purposes, as long as the author and source are cited, e.g., in digital libraries or institutional repositories of research groups.


Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses in this journal are used exclusively for the objectives declared by this journal and are not available for any other purpose or person.